Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular option for employees around the world. While this flexible work arrangement can be a great perk for employees, it also comes with its own set of security risks. Follow these cybersecurity tips so you can protect yourself, your personal information, and your company's data while telecommuting.
Working remotely? Follow these cybersecurity tips
How working from home is becoming the new norm

For many businesses, remote working seemed impossible for a multitude of operational and financial reasons. But with the COVID-19 pandemic relentlessly plaguing the world, working from home has become the new standard. How will this change the corporate setup?
Enforced flexibility
A pandemic is one of the most socially, economically, and politically disruptive events that could ever happen.
Working from home tips to boost productivity

Working from home may sound like a faraway dream, but with the inception of the Internet, it has become a reality. Today, more and more organizations are allowing their staff to work remotely instead of coming into the office every day. The results have been positive - employers notice an increase in productivity, work quality, and staff loyalty.