Power outages are a major inconvenience to businesses. Even a few hours without electricity can lead to thousands of dollars in lost productivity and revenue. Fortunately, there’s something businesses like yours can do to reduce the effects of power outages, and that’s using an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for your computers and networking equipment.
Why you should use a UPS for network hardware
Should you use UPS for your network gear?
Will you put UPS in your network equipment?

When a power outage occurs, smart business owners use an emergency power system to keep workstations from suddenly shutting down. This prevents data loss and keeps computers operational. Connecting your networking equipment to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system will also keep your employees productive during a power outage.
Gear up your network equipment with UPS

During a power outage, responsible business owners use emergency power to keep desktop computers from unexpectedly shutting down. While that’s certainly a good strategy for keeping machines operational and preventing data loss, there’s something else you can do to ensure that your staff remains productive while weathering a storm: uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for networking equipment.