You can easily tell whether a website is encrypted, and therefore safe, if a padlock icon appears next to its URL and if it starts with HTTPS (instead of just HTTP). Unfortunately, hackers now use the very same tool that’s supposed to protect browsers from malicious entities via encrypted phishing sites.
Are the encrypted sites you visit safe?
Know these types of malware to stay protected
Nyetya ransomware: what you need to know

Nyetya, a variant of the Petya ransomware, is spreading across businesses all over the world. Although it shares the same qualities as WannaCry -- a ransomware deemed ‘one of the worst in history’ -- many cyber security experts are calling it a more virulent strain of malware that could cause greater damage to both small and large organizations.
New ransomware demands sacrifice

It's scary to think you can be simply browsing the Internet when WHAM! a screen pops up out of nowhere claiming that you have been hijacked and will need to pay a bitcoin to free your computer. Unfortunately, ransomware like this is not uncommon. But now there's a new, more devastating virus that asks victims to pick other victims to replace them in order to get their computer information back safely.
Potential IT security issues in 2016

As a small or medium-sized business owner or manager, it’s only to be expected that you want to keep your company safe from cyber attacks and hacking attempts. But how much do you really know about online safety? With massive corporations such as Sony falling victim to attack, cyber security has never been more in the public eye.