To make it through the heightened economic uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are protecting their cash flows and focusing on their core competencies. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) are lending a hand, too — by empowering remote teams and helping small businesses leverage technology to keep operating despite the myriad challenges.
Ways MSPs are empowering businesses amid a global crisis
Stay afloat during the pandemic: 5 useful tips

As the coronavirus disease continues to spread all over the world, more and more businesses are faced with a difficult decision: find a way to adapt to the current situation or close their doors forever. Here are some tips to help your business adjust to the challenges of the pandemic and stay afloat during these tough times.
How working from home is becoming the new norm

For many businesses, remote working seemed impossible for a multitude of operational and financial reasons. But with the COVID-19 pandemic relentlessly plaguing the world, working from home has become the new standard. How will this change the corporate setup?
Enforced flexibility
A pandemic is one of the most socially, economically, and politically disruptive events that could ever happen.