Boost your cybersecurity with security audits

Are your organization’s cyber defenses enough to protect it from a cyberattack? Unfortunately, just incorporating the latest antimalware software or firewall to your system won't guarantee your company's safety. Conducting a security audit will give you a complete picture of your company’s data integrity, giving you a greater chance of successfully meeting your cybersecurity goals.

Better internet security: Easy as 1, 2, 3

The internet is not such a bad place to be in — for as long as website owners do their share in keeping it safe for their visitors. Here are three tips to do exactly just that.
Tip 1: Use HTTPS
Short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, HTTPS indicates that a website has an extra layer of security for its users.

Fix these business security flaws now

As businesses have become more reliant on technology, they’ve also become a prime target of cybercriminals. If you want to protect your organization from cyberattacks, make sure your cybersecurity system doesn’t have the following flaws.
Open wireless networks
With just one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, an entire office can get online.

Two-step and two-factor authentication: What’s the difference?

Every business should have a strong cybersecurity posture to keep cybercriminals from infiltrating their network. One way to do this is by implementing a strict authentication process using two-step or two-factor authentication. These two processes are so similar that many confuse one with the other.

Your business’s cybersecurity needs an MSP

With the prevalence of cyberattacks on companies of all sizes these days, businesses cannot afford to relegate cybersecurity to the bottom of their budget priorities. When it comes to cybersecurity, even small businesses should partner with a managed IT services provider (MSP). Here’s why it's crucial to partner with an MSP that can implement robust cybersecurity solutions for your business.

How to be proactive with your cyber defenses

It is good to have an IT team and/or a third-party partner like a managed services provider (MSP) that helps keep your company protected against cyberthreats. It is even better to have all stakeholders be involved in preventing data breaches. Here’s how everyone can be proactive when it comes to cybersecurity.

Here’s why you need a VPN and how to choose one

Installing antivirus software and using strong passwords are no longer considered the bare minimum in cybersecurity. With your online activities transparent to internet service providers, third parties, and hackers alike, it’s important to keep your information secure and private by using a virtual private network (VPN). Here’s why.

Surefire ways to protect your email account

If you think your email is safe from hackers, think again. A lack of sufficient email security protocols can lead to data theft, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and successful malware attacks. Here are some tips to secure your email account from unwanted intruders and the many troubles that come with them.

Watch out for distributed spam distraction

A lot of people get a handful of spam in their email inboxes every day. While spam can be a nuisance, it only takes a few minutes to delete or block spam. But if you receive tens of thousands of spam all at the same time, a huge chunk of your time and energy will be wasted on dealing with them — and they might actually be hiding telltale signs that you're being attacked by cybercriminals.